Birthday’s Vegas Style!
One of the biggest questions we received from our curious friends and family when we sold everything was how, when, and where we would see our adult children. While neither Andrea nor I knew for sure what our family get togethers from that moment on would look like, we can happily report after three years of full time travel our time together is so much fun and new for everyone!

Baja Recap – The Decision
Each year so far, we have spent the winter in new and different places. Year one was Florida. Year two Arizona. Different sides of the country, different geography, much different humidity, but much warmer than the winters we were used to. So where to go for year three that would be new and warmer? Was it time to tow our Airstream south of the border and explore Baja, Mexico?
This idea brought with it a lot of discussion between the two of us and lots of opinions from friends and family we shared the idea with. Is it safe? Crime? Language barriers?

Returning Home?
We realized we did not want this visit to be about looking back, instead we were excited to hear about the futures for our friends and family. Learning all about the changes in their lives, what their children are up to, and what they are looking forward to in the next chapters of their lives. This visit also reaffirmed for us that our “home” is not a specific place but instead it is a state of mind.

Questioning Things?
In a crazy turn of events during year two of our full-time rving adventure, we have found ourselves dealing with something we never anticipated. Not the worries over the road conditions. It has not been the pressure of constantly finding that next place to call home. Not even the adjustments to the two of us living in 224 square feet of “home”.

Where Did We Go?
For the first time in two years, Andrea and I decided to take time away from our weekly blog. It was not because we were tired of it, but more so because life led us in that direction. Sometimes growing stronger together requires time apart for the growth of the individual.

Someplace New, Yet Familiar
In the fall of 1996, Andrea and I found ourselves living in Butte, Montana. While our reasons were different, we had each been there before. Visiting our families many times as children, yet never knowing one another until now. This was the place Andrea and I first met. Where we fell in love, got married, and our family began. This small mining town is indelibly linked to our family’s past and future.
Quartzsite, Yay or Nay?
A small-town of about 2000 full-time residents in western Arizona, that sees its population swell to over 200,000 at any given time during the winter and more than a million passing through. It hosts one of the largest RV shows in the country, “the big tent”, one of the world’s largest gem fairs, and is known for its quirky personality.

We Did It! Living Rent Free in January
When we started out on this lifestyle, we were curious about many things. One of which was could we find “happiness” and “peace” in such a busy world, if we reduced the amount of “needs” we had and in turn freed up more of our time to for us to be, well, us? In January we accomplished one of our goals, we lived an entire month rent free!
January Social Media Recap
Our January social media recap for those of you who may have missed us on Instagram this month. Our top posts brought to you here so you do not miss out.
You Want to Live in an RV?
The wide-open prairies, desert winds, ocean breezes, mountain pines, are where we can go to get away from it all. Places we can examine our “no longer truths” and to put our mental well-being first. Leaving your sticks and bricks behind for a never-ending road trip won’t do the self-help work for you, but it will open the possibility like few other changes you could make.

The Campfire that Changed Everything
As Andrea stood up to stoke the fire it happened out of nowhere. No warning signs. No chance to intervene or pre-empt it. I still get chills and flashbacks just telling this story which maybe is part of the reason it happened. To ensure we are not on auto pilot in our own relationships. As I sat in my chair enjoy the conversation, things suddenly changed.

The Big 50 and Family
When we drove away from our community for the first time, Andrea set an intention that every year we would find a place where our friends and family could gather with us. These would take place somewhere new each year. A place none of us had been before. Where we would be free to create new memories without previous experience or expectations for comparison.

How Do We Live Without a Microwave?
Another question we get from fellow campers and many of our kid’s friends and parents when they were younger is this, “how do you live without a microwave?”
Naked What?
We thought it was time we shared how “Naked Acres” came to be and why it has become our summer resting place.

What Day Is It?
When we decided to embark on this lifestyle, one of our personal goals was to get more control of our time.
Our lives seemed to be flying and we had grown tired of the hustle and bustle, the traffic jams, and the “I’d like to talk more but gotta go” conversations that filled our days.
Where had all of our time gone?

Love, Laughter, and Healing
What we did not know or expect was how this theme of celebrating a life lost, would open doors to healing conversations that were desperately needed.
Family bonds were strengthened, new friends became “chosen family” and the tears of open, honest communication were followed by hearty laughs throughout the night.
Why We Share Our Story?
After a year of learning, laughs, mistakes, memories, smiles, tears, and above all, love, we thought it might be a great time to share why we chose to tell our story in the first place.

Until We Meet Again
The past couple weeks we have been a bit quieter than normal on social media as we have been dealing with the loss of a family member.
Andrea’s father, Ed “Pops” Skinner passed away and onto a better place over the weekend.
4th of July
Seeing him happy, smiling, and at peace living the life he wants to live not one based on the expectations of others, is one of the greatest gifts a child can give their parents.

Where will the Kids Call Home?
During our planning and preparation for life on the road this was a question we struggled with.
Where would our children go for the holidays? To have a home cooked meal, a bed with extra pillows, and just to be comforted by the love of mom and dad?