What Day Is It?
Our good friends Pat and Wendy! Thanks so much for the visit.
When we decided to embark on this lifestyle, one of our personal goals was to get more control of our time.
Our lives seemed to be flying and we had grown tired of the hustle and bustle, the traffic jams, and the “I’d like to talk more but gotta go” conversations that filled our days.
Where had all of our time gone?
In the blink of an eye our children were adults living their own lives and our life for the first time ever, was just about the two of us.
A change was necessary for us to have the quality and type of life we desired.
Starting by reducing our “needs” and by having less “things”, meant we could travel more and work less.
People tell us it seems hard or complicated to do but it is really simple math. Less money going out means less you need to bring in.
However, in today’s world it’s much easier said than done. Consumerism and the urge to keep up with the Jones’s is hard to ignore and even more difficult to remove yourself from.
Our full time rv life has allowed us to strike a healthy balance.
The few things we have (Airstream, Tiny House, and Ford Truck) are nice. Yet, because that is all we have, we don’t spend time, energy, or finances managing a bunch of other things we own but seldom use.
The results have been great! Our days seem to last longer because we get more focused time out of each hour.
We seldom wake up to alarm clock. Instead, it’s the sound of Howler monkeys, elk bugling, or the chirp of birds that let us know a new day is upon us.
When we reflect on the memories of the past year, it seems almost impossible that all of them fit into one calendar year. Yet they did because we had the time and space to create them!
I was recently reminded of how adjusted to this new lifestyle we have become during a visit from friends of ours.
However, before I tell you that story, I need to make sure you know the difference between a fairy tale and a war story.
One starts with “once upon a time”, and the other with “no shit there I was”.
Well, this one fits in the latter category.
Wendy and Andrea on a side by side ride in the country.
So, no shit there I was, on a cold, rainy, fall day in the Black Hills of Wyoming with our friends of over 15 years, Pat, and Wendy.
They had been gracious enough to travel north from Colorado to spend a few days with us.
It was during a break from the rain when I asked Pat if he wanted to go into town to grab a beer and watch some college football.
Pat, with a look that combined disgust and awe, replied “It’s Friday!”. Then he let me know this was the THIRD time I had lost track of the days during their short visit.
He was right! Everyone knows college football is mostly played on Saturdays!
In this instance we were reminded that gone are the days of calendars packed full of events, tasks, and to do lists.
In its place were hikes, sightseeing, education, and plenty of time for visits and meaningful conversations with friends like Pat and Wendy.
Many times, we won’t know what day of the week or time it is because we don’t have to live as rigidly.
We live with a sense of satisfaction knowing we have greatly reduced the stress in our lives and created the time to enjoy our old and new friends, along with all the places we visit.
See you all down the road!