Embracing the Journey: Our Full-Time RV Life Adventure
In November, we traveled through North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, experiencing ever-changing views and unique moments that make full-time RV living worth every penny. Our home on wheels isn't just about destinations; it's about the freedom to explore and the joy of new discoveries. Could you see yourself living this adventurous lifestyle? Read more on our blog at AlternateRoads.com!

Taking Your Bed to the Movies?
We've been lucky to live in places with local drive-ins, like the Silver Bow in Butte, MT, and the Holiday Twin in Fort Collins, CO. One of us always fell asleep during the first movie, wishing we could bring our beds to the drive-in. Thanks to Harvest Host, we did just that in September. While a small Virginia town celebrated homecoming, six campers enjoyed a unique night at a local business. Meeting the owners, hearing their stories, and supporting the community made it unforgettable.

In the end it always works out!
This event was another great reminder of the awesome people that live among us and the randomness of life deciding if we will or won’t meet. It’s also a reminder to slow down, listen, and enjoy the friends, family, strangers, that we get to be in the presence of no matter the circumstances that brought you together.

March to Remember
March was a month to remember as we finished our travels with Airstream across the Baja peninsula. It was time to say goodbye to all the amazing people we met in our time in Mexico. It was time to work, check in with family, and feel gratitude for the freedoms we have to experience life on our terms.

Paraiso Misional RV Park
One of our favorite campgrounds in all of Baja, Mexico is Paraiso Misional in beautiful San Ignacio! A perfect stop over as you travel the peninsula in search of whatever your heart desires

Baby Sea Turtle Release
This was just a short 15-minute drive up Highway 19 from our campground in El Pescadero to the town of Todos Santos. If you are down here visiting Baja Sur, this area was definitely our favorite! Be sure to follow us on instagram to get more videos like this.

Life Dreams?
This short vlog shares our not to far from the truth daily goals in year three of our Airstream life. It’s quite the change from our home owning, business running, family raising, life of our recent past.

What the FUNK?
Year three of our full-time travel adventure was underway. On this day we found ourselves nestled in a state park on the amazing Oregon coast, a place none of us had been before. Full of giant trees, moss, the ocean, and breathtaking cliffs. Yet something was missing. Something was not right. We were just…. off.
Be Where You Are
Where we are is where we need to be,
For the universe has made it so,
Where we are not, is where we aren’t,
There is no sense daydreaming about it,
Only stealing from us another now,
The Great Forgotten Plan
Have you ever made a plan that was so good, that made so much sense, until you forgot about it and made a different plan? Oh good. Yeah, us either, but we know some people who did. This is their story.

We Did It! Living Rent Free in January
When we started out on this lifestyle, we were curious about many things. One of which was could we find “happiness” and “peace” in such a busy world, if we reduced the amount of “needs” we had and in turn freed up more of our time to for us to be, well, us? In January we accomplished one of our goals, we lived an entire month rent free!
January Social Media Recap
Our January social media recap for those of you who may have missed us on Instagram this month. Our top posts brought to you here so you do not miss out.
You Want to Live in an RV?
The wide-open prairies, desert winds, ocean breezes, mountain pines, are where we can go to get away from it all. Places we can examine our “no longer truths” and to put our mental well-being first. Leaving your sticks and bricks behind for a never-ending road trip won’t do the self-help work for you, but it will open the possibility like few other changes you could make.

You Want to Live in a RV?
No sir or ma’am, we are going our own way. We will be the king, sheriff, and sole determiner of how we spend our days out in nature. We are done answering to anyone else it’s just us and all this beauty. That is…. until your gray and black tanks are full!
You Want to Live in a RV?
In our second year of full timing, we can attest, there are many amazing days and opportunities we have experienced because of the lifestyle. Meeting many great people, seeing incredible places, and loving the freedom to move about as we choose. However, we also feel a responsibility to make sure we share some of our truths of the lifestyle so that if you are considering making the jump you have a realistic picture of what to expect.

Our Vision for the New Year
Welcome to the new year and thanks for joining us on this adventure. This week we wanted to share one of the rituals we do to focus our thoughts and energy for the year.

A Holiday Letter from Our Family to Yours
We want to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year our family will be celebrating separately for the first time ever.

Why We Love the Desert
Choosing to stay in the western United States this winter with the goal of avoiding the cold and snow can only mean one thing, head to Arizona. This week we share some of the reasons we have found that made us realize we love the desert!

The Campfire that Changed Everything
As Andrea stood up to stoke the fire it happened out of nowhere. No warning signs. No chance to intervene or pre-empt it. I still get chills and flashbacks just telling this story which maybe is part of the reason it happened. To ensure we are not on auto pilot in our own relationships. As I sat in my chair enjoy the conversation, things suddenly changed.

The Road is Calling
We love our travel days and the excitement that comes with knowing in a few hours we will be somewhere new. As we plan the route, we look forward to that point in the journey where your mind goes on auto pilot while the road seems to go on forever in front of you.