What the FUNK?
Year three of our full-time travel adventure was underway. On this day we found ourselves nestled in a state park on the amazing Oregon coast, a place none of us had been before. Full of giant trees, moss, the ocean, and breathtaking cliffs. Yet something was missing. Something was not right. We were just…. off.
Instead of waking up in awe of the heaviness of the fog that hid the beautiful landscape for hours, we were complaining about missing the sunrise. During the frequent rains we were focused not on the amazing lushness of the forest being created but only in wishing it would stop. We still went on hikes, climbed down cliffs, watched the waves pounding the coast but still something wasn’t right.
So, we had to stop and get honest with ourselves. It was time for us to ask ourselves tough questions, to self-reflect on our mindset and energy, and give ourselves the space to change.
What we quickly found was a pattern had developed, and one we knew to avoid.
Year one, we left Wyoming in the fall and drove two days to get to Salt Lake City. This was followed by a trip to Idaho, then a mad dash across the country to get to Florida. At the end of the year, we agreed we traveled fast and missed out on too many things we wanted to see in between destinations. No more traveling that quick we told each other.
Then year two started with a quick trip to get to Albuquerque, New Mexico, in time for the balloon festival. Again, it was a lot of one-night stays followed by long driving days to make it on schedule. The festival was amazing, but we arrived tired. We weren’t as social as we had hoped to be and agreed no more traveling that fast. 😊
Which brings us back to where we find ourselves today and you can probably guess what happened.
Leaving the Black Hills with four days to make it to southern Oregon for a festival we committed to attend. Long drive days, single night stays, and no time to explore the places in between. Dang it we did it again! Three years, three mad dashes from our summer respite to full speed travel with no adjustment period. Arriving at a place of celebration and community building, too tired to give it our best. We were worn out from travel, from closing up our tiny house so quickly we forgot basic things, and we were finding it hard to have fun.
An amazing site to wake up to outside Cave Junction, OR.
As we sat in the fog and rain of another fall day on the Oregon coast, we both took a deep breath. Taking time to recognize life happens, things happen, and by not following our own advice, we were given this beautiful reminder to slow down.
Having gone through this process, we have spent the past month slowly moving about Oregon. Our travel day routines have returned, Mr. Otis has adjusted to life on the road, and we have found the enjoyment in all the things life throws are way. We are blessed to be able to enjoy the deep forest, ocean cliffs, and the beauty of the Rogue River, accepting each as they come. It’s been like nature has been giving us life advice over the past month. Not all days are meant to be full of sunshine. The rain nourishes, cleans, and makes the sunny days that much more special!
Hopefully, we’ll remember these lessons a year from now 😊
See you all down the road!