What the FUNK?
Year three of our full-time travel adventure was underway. On this day we found ourselves nestled in a state park on the amazing Oregon coast, a place none of us had been before. Full of giant trees, moss, the ocean, and breathtaking cliffs. Yet something was missing. Something was not right. We were just…. off.
Quartzsite, Yay or Nay?
A small-town of about 2000 full-time residents in western Arizona, that sees its population swell to over 200,000 at any given time during the winter and more than a million passing through. It hosts one of the largest RV shows in the country, “the big tent”, one of the world’s largest gem fairs, and is known for its quirky personality.

We Did It! Living Rent Free in January
When we started out on this lifestyle, we were curious about many things. One of which was could we find “happiness” and “peace” in such a busy world, if we reduced the amount of “needs” we had and in turn freed up more of our time to for us to be, well, us? In January we accomplished one of our goals, we lived an entire month rent free!

How Do We Live Without a Microwave?
Another question we get from fellow campers and many of our kid’s friends and parents when they were younger is this, “how do you live without a microwave?”

It’s Been a Year, Our Travelversary!!
At times it’s hard to believe we’ve been on the road for a year already. However, when we are sharing our memories of the people and places from our travels, it seems like this has been our lifestyle forever.
Wildcat Philosophy, French Rum, and The “Happiness” Business
It got us thinking though as we left the next day, westbound stocked up on the best French rum, stories, and a slight hangover.
What if we were all in the “happiness business”?