Returning Home?
Sunset at Boyd Lake State Park, Loveland, CO
Spring 2023
As we pulled into Northern Colorado with the Queen in tow for the first time in two years, we were returning to a place we called home for over 20 years. This was where we raised our kids, had our careers, and belonged to an amazing community of people.
Driving by our kid’s schools, eating our favorite pizza, shopping at our old neighborhood grocery store, flooded our minds with memories. Suddenly, we could see again our little people filling our home with energy, curiosity, and love. There we were coordinating schedules to run kids from sport to sport, activity to activity, and fitting dinner time wherever we could. It was back to a time that seemed so long ago, and a lifestyle that is in complete contrast to our lives today. Yet, our emotions were also pulled in an unexpected direction.
We realized we did not want this visit to be about looking back, instead we were excited to hear about the futures for our friends and family. Learning all about the changes in their lives, what their children are up to, and what they are looking forward to in the next chapters of their lives.
This visit also reaffirmed for us that our “home” is not a specific place but instead it is a state of mind. It is the peace of being somewhere you know you belong.
At times it is being surrounded by people, museums, and activities of the urban scene. Other times it is being in nature with only the sounds of the breezes blowing by and the birds chirping reminding us we are not truly alone.
In a lifestyle that is all about freedom, it is the intentionality in the pace of life, and the space to be present wherever we are that creates our “home”.
We wanted to thank all of you who were able to meet up with us and look forward to catching up with those we missed sometime in the near future.
Mr. Otis adjusting well to his new off grid life
If you are traveling through the Black Hills area, get a hold of us!
Now it is time to move our “home” north to the Black Hills for the summer! If you are adventuring this way feel free to connect with us as we stay put for the next three months.