Birthday’s Vegas Style!

Birthday’s Vegas Style!

One of the biggest questions we received from our curious friends and family when we sold everything was how, when, and where we would see our adult children. While neither Andrea nor I knew for sure what our family get togethers from that moment on would look like, we can happily report after three years of full time travel our time together is so much fun and new for everyone!

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The Road is Calling

The Road is Calling

We love our travel days and the excitement that comes with knowing in a few hours we will be somewhere new. As we plan the route, we look forward to that point in the journey where your mind goes on auto pilot while the road seems to go on forever in front of you.

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4 Hidden Life Gems in Full Time Rving
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

4 Hidden Life Gems in Full Time Rving

An unforeseen blessing of our new lifestyle has been all the “life gems” or hidden lessons that were waiting out on the road for us. Over the next four weeks we will share four of our favorite “life gems” with you.

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A Texas Sized View
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

A Texas Sized View

Was an “unbelievable or amazing” sunset worth the risk of having “sketchy” neighbors nearby that made us feel unsafe?

Many times, in our lives, we would have said a resounding “NO”, not based on what we had experienced but simply based on opinions of others.

We would have sacrificed the “unbelievable or amazing” experience because we focused what could go wrong and were blinded from what could go right.

How many times have we missed an experience or adventure because we played it safe?

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What Size Camper Do We Need?
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

What Size Camper Do We Need?

This is a question that is bantered about by those wanting to get on the road and those already on the road around the nation. It seems to be an almost endless pursuit of the “perfect rig”.

The truth is you will not truly know until you answer a couple questions for yourselves.

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4 Steps to Full Timing Part 4
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

4 Steps to Full Timing Part 4

Finally, how do we decide where to travel?

The full time rv lifestyle will always be a work in progress as we continue to refine our approach as we experience more.

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4 Steps We Took To Full Timing
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

4 Steps We Took To Full Timing

In the spring of 2014, our oldest daughter graduated high school. Wasting no time, she embraced her sense of independence and adventure by moving out of our home that summer.

This moment was a wake-up call for us. While were proud of our children’s independence, we were a bit saddened by the end of their childhood.

We also knew we were facing the same reality with our younger two children in only a few years.

We began questioning what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives?

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Detours, Speed Bumps and U-Turns
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Detours, Speed Bumps and U-Turns

A life on the road tends to lend itself to seeing everything as one big road trip.

Here are three inevitable actions you’ll be faced with on the road trip of life!

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Why Did We Choose an Airstream?
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Why Did We Choose an Airstream?

The airstream creates conversations in every place we have camped. We feel blessed to meet people and hear their stories about their desire to have an airstream at one point in their adventure, while seeing their current adventuring rig. The fact this happens all over the country is a testament to the history of Airstream as a company and inspires us to live up to that legacy in our full-time adventures in the “Queen”.

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Best Valentine’s Day Ever!
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Best Valentine’s Day Ever!

We haven’t always been the best at celebrating Valentine’s Day throughout our marriage.

Many times, it would register as the 3rd or 4th most important thing happening that day. Kids’ activities, work schedules, and the craziness that comes with life as a family of five all took precedence.

However, in 2022, it was time to change this.

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How Do You Survive?
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

How Do You Survive?

This is something we get asked about often. It is usually in reference to our marriage as in “I would kill my spouse if I spent all my time with them”. Other times people want to know how we manage to get by with such a small amount of “stuff” in our world.

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Falling Victim to the Lifestyle
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Falling Victim to the Lifestyle

As 2021 ended, Andrea and I had to face a truth about our transition from our stick and bricks home into Colorado to our full time Airstream life.

We had to hold ourselves accountable for some shortcomings individually and commit to fixing them together.

The issue we had to face was not a stranger. We knew about it beforehand.

People we followed had warned us of it. Yet somehow, it still happened to us

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5 Lessons from a Month of Living in Costa Rica
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

5 Lessons from a Month of Living in Costa Rica

We have just returned to the United States from spending the month of December traveling and experiencing the wonder that is Costa Rica. Let us tell you Costa Rica is a magical place that somehow even Hollywood cannot capture the true essence of.

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