Falling Victim to the Lifestyle

“The Queen” parked along the bank of the North Platte river outside Rawlins, Wyoming in early fall 2021.

As 2021 ended, Andrea and I had to face a truth about our transition from our stick and bricks home into Colorado to our full time Airstream life. 

We had to hold ourselves accountable for some shortcomings individually and commit to fixing them together.

The issue we had to face was not a stranger.  We knew about it beforehand. 

People we followed had warned us of it.  Yet somehow, it still happened to us.

We had either missed the signs or selectively chosen to ignore them out of convenience.

All the learning, adventuring, and fun in 2021 had allowed us to fall victim to the “every day is a weekend” lifestyle. 

Every day we could eat burgers, bratwurst, chips, drink a beer or two, because we were “camping”. 

We could stay up late sitting around the campfire and sleep in past the sunrise. 

Worse yet, we could go to bed early with winter sunset and still sleep in past the sunrise.

A hard, focused, workout could wait until we were at our next destination because today, we wanted to go to the beach, visit a museum, or go on a hike.

Truth be told, we had become undisciplined in our lifestyle choices. 

We were no longer practicing the habits that had put us in position to adopt this lifestyle in the first place.

With the turn of the year, Andrea and I put a plan in place to ensure 2022 would be more balanced between enjoying the freedoms of our traveling life and the discipline needed to ensure we thrive while doing it.

We share this with you all to make sure you don’t just see our “highlight reel” on social media and think this lifestyle is struggle or problem free. 

Honestly, at times having so much freedom feels like a problem itself!

No matter what your lifestyle is.  Where you live or how you make a living.  All of us will have obstacles and setbacks, pitfalls, and shortcomings, and they are all part of our story. 

From these situations come the opportunity to correct mistakes, adjust your course, and work towards becoming who you really want to be.

For us, this is as much a part of this journey as hitching up the airstream and hitting the open road. 

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @alternateroads


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