How Do You Survive?
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

How Do You Survive?

This is something we get asked about often. It is usually in reference to our marriage as in “I would kill my spouse if I spent all my time with them”. Other times people want to know how we manage to get by with such a small amount of “stuff” in our world.

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Falling Victim to the Lifestyle
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Falling Victim to the Lifestyle

As 2021 ended, Andrea and I had to face a truth about our transition from our stick and bricks home into Colorado to our full time Airstream life.

We had to hold ourselves accountable for some shortcomings individually and commit to fixing them together.

The issue we had to face was not a stranger. We knew about it beforehand.

People we followed had warned us of it. Yet somehow, it still happened to us

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5 Lessons from a Month of Living in Costa Rica
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

5 Lessons from a Month of Living in Costa Rica

We have just returned to the United States from spending the month of December traveling and experiencing the wonder that is Costa Rica. Let us tell you Costa Rica is a magical place that somehow even Hollywood cannot capture the true essence of.

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