What the FUNK?

What the FUNK?

Year three of our full-time travel adventure was underway. On this day we found ourselves nestled in a state park on the amazing Oregon coast, a place none of us had been before. Full of giant trees, moss, the ocean, and breathtaking cliffs. Yet something was missing. Something was not right. We were just…. off.

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Be The Good with Kate Podcast Appearance by Jerrod

Be The Good with Kate Podcast Appearance by Jerrod

You know that phrase about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary? In a way, that's the center of this episode with Jerrof Hardy, host of The On Purpose Podcast. And that seeming simple concept is so full, so inspiring, and so filled with purpose indeed. Jerrod describes himself as a very average person who surrounds himself with so much inspiration, and I’m warning you in advance, this episode is so quotable you may want a notepad handy.

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Mr. Otis 2 Month Rescuversary
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Mr. Otis 2 Month Rescuversary

2 months since our road trip to rescue Mr. Otis in Colorado. This has been one of our most popular videos on social media thanks to one, Matthew Mcconaughey.

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Returning Home?

Returning Home?

We realized we did not want this visit to be about looking back, instead we were excited to hear about the futures for our friends and family. Learning all about the changes in their lives, what their children are up to, and what they are looking forward to in the next chapters of their lives. This visit also reaffirmed for us that our “home” is not a specific place but instead it is a state of mind.

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Introducing Mr. Otis

Introducing Mr. Otis

Our last “fur baby”, as Andrea likes to call them, passed away two months before we embarked on our traveling life. It was an emotional loss for us, as Sir Russell’s passing marked the end of our children’s childhoods and the beginning of a new phase of life for all of us. After much research and deliberation over the past two years, Andrea and I decided we were ready. It was time!

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Questioning Things?

Questioning Things?

In a crazy turn of events during year two of our full-time rving adventure, we have found ourselves dealing with something we never anticipated. Not the worries over the road conditions. It has not been the pressure of constantly finding that next place to call home. Not even the adjustments to the two of us living in 224 square feet of “home”.

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Fear, Trust, The Road Trip of Life
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Fear, Trust, The Road Trip of Life

After a two-hour drive filled with traffic jams, and a congested interstate, we were excited to exit in search of our personal oasis. Entering the dispersed camping area, we saw the two spots nearest the road and continued on. As the dirt road got a bit narrower, we started climbing and twisting around the mountain in front of us. Then we felt it! Fear was beginning to creep in. Telling us to turn back, doubt and negativity were everywhere.

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Where Did We Go?

Where Did We Go?

For the first time in two years, Andrea and I decided to take time away from our weekly blog. It was not because we were tired of it, but more so because life led us in that direction. Sometimes growing stronger together requires time apart for the growth of the individual.

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When Is It Time to Move?

When Is It Time to Move?

When traveling full time is your lifestyle, how do you decide when to move? Well, that is a good question that we have been asked quite a few times and is a great campfire conversation starter, as everyone’s thought process is unique.

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Someplace New, Yet Familiar

Someplace New, Yet Familiar

In the fall of 1996, Andrea and I found ourselves living in Butte, Montana. While our reasons were different, we had each been there before. Visiting our families many times as children, yet never knowing one another until now. This was the place Andrea and I first met. Where we fell in love, got married, and our family began. This small mining town is indelibly linked to our family’s past and future.

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Be Your Own Superhero
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Be Your Own Superhero

In this episode, we visit with Jerrod Hardy, husband, father of 3, "retired" police officer, mixed martial arts fighter, entrepreneur (owned MMA gym, currently train LEO around country, Podcast), author, and most recently full-time traveler with his wife in their Airstream. He believes in chasing dreams and living life on your terms and in a manner that you are proud of.

Purpose is key to a fulfilled life. His is honoring his mom's sacrifice choosing to have him at 16. You discover your purpose when in action not waiting for it. Happiness/your Best Life is a CHOICE.

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The Great Forgotten Plan

The Great Forgotten Plan

Have you ever made a plan that was so good, that made so much sense, until you forgot about it and made a different plan? Oh good. Yeah, us either, but we know some people who did. This is their story.

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Skooliepalooza for Airstreamers?

Skooliepalooza for Airstreamers?

Something you probably do not know about us was Andrea’s final choices for our rig. After much research, deliberation and thought, it came down to two options, an Airstream or a “Skoolie”. It was only natural that we would eventually attend one of the biggest “skoolie” events of the year, Skooliepalooza. It was time to see what it was all about.

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Quartzsite, Yay or Nay?

Quartzsite, Yay or Nay?

A small-town of about 2000 full-time residents in western Arizona, that sees its population swell to over 200,000 at any given time during the winter and more than a million passing through. It hosts one of the largest RV shows in the country, “the big tent”, one of the world’s largest gem fairs, and is known for its quirky personality.

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                     We Did It!                                Living  Rent Free in January

We Did It! Living Rent Free in January

When we started out on this lifestyle, we were curious about many things. One of which was could we find “happiness” and “peace” in such a busy world, if we reduced the amount of “needs” we had and in turn freed up more of our time to for us to be, well, us? In January we accomplished one of our goals, we lived an entire month rent free!

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January Social Media Recap

January Social Media Recap

Our January social media recap for those of you who may have missed us on Instagram this month. Our top posts brought to you here so you do not miss out.

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