Fate, Destiny, and Life

Sunrise from Myrtle Beach State Park Campground

It was probably fate, destiny, and maybe even preordained, that we would find ourselves camped at Myrtle Beach.

As we walked the beach this morning, enjoying the sunrise, the surf, and the pelicans, I was pulled away in thought.

It was on this beach that I stared at the ocean in amazement for the first time.

Walking this beach is where I found myself wondering what I had to offer the world as a young, confused teenager.

This is where I partied and raised a ruckus during college spring break.

This was the first place I ever envisioned creating my adult life.

Beach Cove resort was where we purchased our first beach front “home” and learned the lessons of owning ocean front property.

Our family at Myrtle Beach shortly after Trey’s health scare in the summer of 2018.

Myrtle Beach was where my family came to regroup, bond, and celebrate, after almost losing Trey in a medical scare when he was 17 years old.

It was the place that gave me the courage to write the emotional final chapter in my book.

Now as we camp in Myrtle Beach State Park, away from the high rises and hustle of the strip, it is a totally different experience.

Here it is quiet, peaceful, and a great place for reflection on our life gone by and all that is still to come.

Andrea and Jerrod on a windy, chilly, November morning in 2021

It is a place Andrea and I get to celebrate each other and redefine our marriage as empty nesters.

This beach is a place for us to grow in our love for each other and in appreciation for the lives we have created in this world.

It is a campfire, ocean waves, sunrises, sunsets, and a space for us to create new dreams to chase with our tomorrows.

Myrtle Beach is our lifelong home we never knew we had, but one the universe knew we needed.


November 2021 Full Time RV Recap


If You Want to See What’s Good About America…. Go Camping!