Living The Dream
Andrea capturing one of the many beautiful sunsets we have witnessed in our travels.
We are now in our 9th month of living full time in our Airstream and to say this experience has exceeded our expectations would be an understatement.
From visiting our children at their homes and witnessing their adulting lives without intruding. To skipping snow and cold for the first time in our lives, our full-time adventure has truly been a dream come true.
Meeting amazing people from all different walks of life and hearing their stories to better understand their lives is a privilege we cherish.
It refreshing to see people wanting and chasing more in their lives regardless of their limitations, age, or what others think of their decisions.
We are blessed to be told by many that we are in fact “living the dream”. Some who aren’t quite full time yet but aspire to be will even add that we are “living THEIR dream!”
I find that last statement to be quite an honor. In choosing this life for us, others are seeing possibilities in their lives as well.
What people find interesting though is when we share our TRUTH with them.
This was never my dream!
In fact, this life would have been the exact opposite, a nightmare, for most of my adult life.
I was always a city kid, hated camping, and never owned a truck or towed a trailer before we bought the King and Queen.
The adventure we are on now is all Andrea’s idea and her dream.
It was her idea to sell the things that limited where we could be and travel as freely as possible. To be free in mind, spirit, and debt!
Andrea who did all the research, found our perfect used rig and kept her dream within our budget.
You see to many times in life, especially our marriages, our dreams become separate.
While I still have my own dreams, I now derive as much pleasure from seeing Andrea’s dreams coming true as I ever did from pursuing mine.
Being part of her dreams has revealed new ones I did not know I had. It has allowed us to discover more about our world and ourselves!
Andrea and Tayia (our youngest daughter) hiking together in Arizona. Spring 2022
Hearing your wife of twenty-three years tell you “this was a perfect day” multiple times since we have been on the road is priceless and would have been something I would have only dreamt of hearing not long ago.
A true treasure in life is being part of someone else living their dreams!