Introducing Mr. Otis

Introducing Mr. Otis

Our last “fur baby”, as Andrea likes to call them, passed away two months before we embarked on our traveling life. It was an emotional loss for us, as Sir Russell’s passing marked the end of our children’s childhoods and the beginning of a new phase of life for all of us. After much research and deliberation over the past two years, Andrea and I decided we were ready. It was time!

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Fear, Trust, The Road Trip of Life
Jerrod Hardy Jerrod Hardy

Fear, Trust, The Road Trip of Life

After a two-hour drive filled with traffic jams, and a congested interstate, we were excited to exit in search of our personal oasis. Entering the dispersed camping area, we saw the two spots nearest the road and continued on. As the dirt road got a bit narrower, we started climbing and twisting around the mountain in front of us. Then we felt it! Fear was beginning to creep in. Telling us to turn back, doubt and negativity were everywhere.

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