Alternate Roads


Some think we are crazy.

Others say we are living the dream.

For us it seemed like the next logical adventure.

Our kids were grown and moved away.

We were young enough to physically do things we had dreamed of, and our parents were healthy enough to care for themselves.

Selling our home, business, and going all in for a life of full-time travel was what we needed to do.

No security nets, no fallback plans just a commitment to loving each other, learning new things, and traveling for at least a year.

We have never played life safely.

Never have we sat by and wondered what life could be like if only….

Life is short.

Moments are precious.

We want to take full advantage of the opportunities we have been blessed with.

When you live life for yourself and throw caution to the wind it is amazing what you will find.

Be sure to follow us for all our travel adventures, misadventures and fun on Instagram @alternateroads


Our Maiden Voyage


Our “Tiny” Home Base