Dive into the unfiltered chronicles of life on the road with us at Alternateroads.com. Social media may paint a picture of perpetual perfection—flawless fashion, golden hour glows, and storybook families. But let’s pull back the curtain on that highlight reel and embrace the full spectrum of our journeys.

For three years, our trusty Airstream has been our home, our haven, and the setting for countless untold stories. Not all are glamorous, but each one is a stitch in the rich tapestry of memories we’re weaving together.

Our latest chapter? A sun-drenched sojourn along Mexico’s coasts, a whirlwind birthday bash in the neon heart of Las Vegas, and a race against time to a pressing work engagement. No scenic campsites or majestic mountain vistas this time—our pitstop was the humble abode of a Little America truck stop.

Yet, it’s these unvarnished moments that often linger longest in the mind, reminding us that life’s beauty isn’t just found in picture-perfect scenes. It’s in the laughter shared over engine noise of the truck “next, the solidarity of fellow travelers, and the thrill of the unknown that awaits at every turn.

Join us as we share the raw, the real, and the remarkable tales from the road less traveled. Because sometimes, the most extraordinary stories begin with the simplest settings. 🚐✨


Our Baja Experience